We wish all our members and their families a Happy New Year. We hope that 2023 brings you much joy and happiness.
A friendly reminder that membership fees for 2023 are now due. Membership fee payments can be made either via electronic funds transfer (EFT) or in person at the club.
Fees for 2023 are:
Service members - $40
Affiliate members - $30
EFT details are:
BSB: 015-220
Account No.: 388047971
Please ensure you insert your first and last name as the reference when making a payment via EFT.
Management Committee Nominations Now Open
Nominations to join the Management Committee in 2023 are now open. Committee meetings are typically held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm. If you are a financial member of the sub-branch and willing to join the committee, please nominate by completing a nomination form (available in the club) or by emailing treasurerbrsl@bigpond.com.
The Management Committee of the Brighton RSL Sub-Branch has been operating with 9 out of a possible 12 positions for some time. The current mix of four Service Members and five Affiliate Members is ideal, however, we need more members to join the committee to help share the load and to prepare for the future for one of the larger RSL sub-branches in South Australia. This is particularly so as the current age mix of the committee is currently five over the age of 70, two 50-70 and two under the age of 40. The committee is also lacking female representation.
If you are not able to commit to joining the Management Committee, your assistance in other areas is always welcome, such as bar shifts, maintenance, setting up and packing up for functions, et al.
Further details about the time and date of the Annual General Meeting to be held in March will be circulated shortly.
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